The Navy Legislative Fellows program provides an opportunity for Navy, civilians, officers and senior-enlisted to broaden their Congressional operational and organizational knowledge and enhance the Navy’s ability to help develop national policy.
“As Navy Legislative Fellows, you have an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge and understanding of the Navy, how it operates and conducts business, and its most pressing needs and challenges,” said Selby. “All of this is critical to how naval policies are implemented. As the Chief of Naval Research, I’m honored to highlight for you the important roles played by ONR and the Naval Research Enterprise in safeguarding the future strength and capabilities of our Navy.”
The fellowship consists of a yearlong full-time assignment to the office of a U.S. Congressional member, in either the Senate or the House of Representatives, who serves on a defense-related committee. The Fellow serves as a member of the staff, and assigned duties and tasks based on the needs of the office.
Prior to heading to Capitol Hill to commence their assignment, Fellows undergo a six-week long orientation where they have the opportunity to meet with different commands to learn about them including ONR, Cyber Command, and the Navy Criminal Investigative Service to name a few.
“The interactions with various navy and civilian commands enables and prepares the Fellows to be the best possible advocates on behalf of the Navy when interacting with Congress,” said Lt. Cmdr. John Piccone, Navy Legislative Fellowship Program Manager. “In my experience, the orientation provides broader scope of knowledge of multiple agencies which will prove invaluable to a Fellows time on the Hill.”
For more information on how you can apply to become a Fellow visit the Navy Office of Legislative Affairs website: Navy Office of Legislative Affairs