ATAC provides tracking, expediting and visibility for Navy and Marine Corps Depot Level Repairable (DLR) components to minimize losses and optimize repair/supply cycle times. NAVSUP FLC Norfolk manages the ATAC Hub in Norfolk and the Eastern Region ATAC Nodes. The region includes Nodes in Jacksonville, Mayport, Bahrain, Jebel Ali, Sigonella, Rota, Naples and Souda Bay. eRMS is the program ATAC uses to track the material.
In preparation to transition to eRMS 2.0, the ATAC Norfolk team participated in three User Assessment Testing (UAT) phases. During the testing, more than 400 UAT customer inquiries were submitted to fix, upgrade or re-program the database prior going live. The new system enables a chain of custody in every step of processing unserviceable but repairable items, known as retrograde, and meets financial improvement and audit readiness (FIAR) requirements.
eRMS was redesigned to provide a better-streamlined solution in tracking and reporting the disposition of retrograde assets to ensure that all DLR items are processed and transported to the designated overhaul point or designated stock point (DSP), and is available to all users and customers 24/7. Additionally, this system meets the Department of Defense and Navy’s cyber-security requirements and has the ability to interface with the Navy’s supply chain and financial tools such as ERP.
NAVSUP adopted the use of eRMS in October 2002. It is a web-based system that streamlines retrograde processing, allowing proper identification, packaging and documentation of the retrograde. The implementation provided activities with in-transit visibility – or “cradle to grave” visibility to the unit. With eRMS implemented, activities became retrograde managers for their assets, and the system terminated carcass tracking, provided proof of shipment and proof of delivery in real-time.
According to ATAC Hub Norfolk Director Judith Burkett, it is extremely important to update systems and processes so they can continue to provide world-class logistics support. “It is a financially responsible process to update systems to allow for improved processes as well as improved productivity to allow for more accurate data and customer support,” said Burkett.
Over the last 14 months, ATAC Hub Norfolk actively participated in the eRMS Change Control Board, UATs, and scenarios testing receiving, packaging and shipping for retrograde and stress testing for a successful implementation. Burkett said the updated system has several advantages. “It is a more FIAR compliant process that allows us more financial responsibility to the fleet and general customer support.”
ATAC personnel began testing eRMS 2.0 in May 2020 and completed the evaluation and testing in December 2020. In preparation to have a successful go live, ATAC had to clear all retrograde prior to implementation. From November 2020 to January 2021, ATAC successfully processed more than 12,000 DLR and 715 contractor returns in the legacy system. The eRMS Legacy transition to 2.0 successfully started Feb. 1, 2021. Through the first week of March, ATAC Hub Norfolk processed nearly 4,000 items, with daily average receipts of 289 and a daily average of 248 DLR processed. “The learning process has been relatively uncomplicated at this time and the ATAC team members seem to be extremely enthusiastic when discussing this subject,” said Burkett.
The success of the eRMS 2.0 implementation is a culmination of teamwork by the ATAC team and NAVSUP WSS. “ATAC’s role is to improve support and asset availability to the fleet to ensure the mission continues,” said Burkett. “This is an extremely important role to play in the day-to-day operations of the military. It is with great pride that we provide ATAC services.”