Mailing Address
Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea
PSC 478 Box 1
FPO, AP 96212-0001
To call DSN in Korea from the U.S., dial 011+8251801- (last four of DSN)
To call Korean cell phone from the U.S., dial 011+82-(Last two digits of prefix -10 or -11) plus the rest of the seven or eight digit phone number.
To call Korean cell phones from a DSN, dial 99 and then the entire cell phone number (ten or eleven digits). To call a DSN from a Korean cell phone, dial 05033 plus the last six digits of the DSN number. The DSN prefix for Korea is 315; the DSN prefix for the United States is 312. The prefix is required when calling between regions.
CNFK Battle Watch Captain
DSN: 315-763-8303/8305
CNFK Assistant Staff Duty Officer
DSN: 315-763-8023
CNFK Security
DSN: 315-763-3717
DSN: 315-723-4895
CNFK Public Affairs Officer
DSN: 315-763-8012
DSN: 315-763-3702
Mobile: 010-8556-6935
CNFK N1: Admin
DSN: 315-763-3710
CNFK N2: Intel
DSN: 315-763-3714
CNFK N3: Operations
DSN: 315-763-3713
CNFK N4: Supply
DSN: 315-723-5733
CNFK N4E: Engineering
DSN: 315-723-4912N5: Strategy
DSN: 315-763-3736
CNFK N6: Information Technology
DSN: 315-762-5316
One-Net Helpdesk: 315-550-5463
CNFK N7: Security, Cooperation and Engagement
DSN: 315-763-3724
CNFK OSO Reserve Component
DSN: 315-763-3728
DSN: 315-723-5795
CNFK Command Career Counselor
DSN: 315-723-3067
CNFK Federal Voting Assistance
DSN: 315-763-8012
CNRK Public Affairs Officer
DSN: 315-763-5225
CNRK N04: Admin
DSN: 315-763-8043
DSN: 315-763-5677
CNRK N4: Assistant Region Engineer (VACANT)
DSN: 315-763-5668
CNRK N5: Strategy and Future Requirements
DSN: 315-763-8009
DSN: 315-763-8601
CNRK N9: Fleet/Family Readiness
DSN: 315-763-8717